Stichwort: LED

  • Technology
Displaytechnologien unter der Lupe: LCD, LED, OLED, QLED, MiniLED und MicroLED erklärt
The display industry has made great strides in recent years. From a technological point of view, this is all great - progress and competition generally mean better value for the end user. However, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture when choosing a suitable display. To help you with this decision, we have summarised all the current display techonologies together with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
  • Eye-catcher
The 3D LED Wall from NASA is Out of this World
Die neue LED-Wand Im Eingangsbereich des Kennedy Space Centre’s zeigt Besuchern die Geschichte und aufregende Zukunft der Weltraumforschung.
  • Signethics
Participation Samsung The Wall Master Training in Frankfurt
Signethics stays on the ball and takes part in the two-day technical training course The Wall in Frankfurt.
  • Eye-catcher
SPHERE: Atemberaubendes LED- und Audio-Projekt der Superlative
Sometimes a giant moon, sometimes a gigantic ball of fire: in the US metropolis of Las Vegas, the Sphere construction by Sphere Entertainment amazes with spectacular images thanks to 1.2 million LED elements