1. Interactive Displays
The trend towards interactive displays will continue in 2024. According to a study by Grand View Research the interactive display market (interactive tables, interactive kiosk, interactive monitor, interactive video call, interactive whiteboard) will almost double by 2032.
The reasons for this are obvious: people love to touch, swipe and interact - it's human nature. In addition, customised content based on user interaction leads to a personalised experience and therefore higher engagement. Companies can then use these interactions to derive important insights into customer behaviour and content quality.
2. Artificial Intelligence
For example, content can be personalised based on viewer demographics, location and time, as well as purchase history and online activity (data protection laws aside). Virtual assistants can also be used in conjunction with the interactive displays mentioned above. AI also holds enormous potential in terms of data analysis and optimisation by measuring the viewer's reactions to certain content and thus optimising it.
3. Sustainability and Environmental Friendliness
In the wake of energy crises and emissions tax regulations, demand for sustainable appliances with lower energy consumption is increasing. According to an Estimate the global market for sustainable technologies is expected to triple by 2025 compared to 2020, with low-energy appliances made from recyclable materials on the rise.
Pro Tipp: Pay attention to energy efficiency when purchasing your devices. Displays can and should be switched off during the night via schedules in content management systems.
4. Integration of Augmented Reality (AR)
AR is revolutionising the way digital signage communicates with the audience. By overlaying digital information onto the real world, AR digital signage creates immersive experiences. From virtual fitting rooms in retail stores to informative overlays in museums, AR integration is on the rise thanks to major tech companies investing in AR technology, including Facebook and Apple. According to a Report from GlobalData the global AR market will grow at an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36% over the next ten years.
5. Integration of Mobile Devices
The integration of mobile devices increases the versatility of digital signage. By integrating QR codes and mobile apps, viewers can interact with signage content using their smartphones, opening up new opportunities for engagement.
Companies can use QR codes in a variety of ways to increase customer loyalty, simplify transactions and streamline internal processes. Here are some examples: Contactless payments, product information, promotions and discounts, customer surveys and feedback, digital menus, event registration or social media engagement.
6. Immersive Video Walls
Video walls are getting bigger, better and more realistic. Coupled with falling LED panel prices, we expect to see even more impressive video wall installations in retail shops, corporate offices, entertainment centres or entire building facades in 2024. These displays create captivating environments that mesmerise the viewer.
Digital signage will continue to evolve rapidly in 2024, offering companies innovative ways to connect with their audience. By embracing these trends, you can stay competitive and deliver memorable experiences to your customers. Whether you're in retail, hospitality, healthcare or any other industry, keeping an eye on these trends will help you maximise the impact of your digital signage strategy in the coming year.